Transformation From Human To Spirit as quoted by - Full article available on the link below.
- As soon as they leave their human life, all individuals are met by angels and spirit guides, pass through a tunnel, and they are greeted by loved ones on the other side with various degrees of love and warmth and light and welcomed back to their spirit self so that the death experience initially is never frightening to anybody.
- One making the transition is always greeted with love and a sense of safety and a sense of protection, a sense of freedom and always in a light so bright and so warm and so encompassing as they have never experienced before in human form. As a spirit soul progresses into its new life form, it will progress into various shades, tones, colors of this bright light.
- Once you have moved into your soul spirit you go through your most current life review. After one has had their greeting and their life review what then becomes heaven then becomes much of the spiritual consciousness that the individual brought with them from earth during this most recent past life on earth.
- When you have finally made that crossing over from earth and are in heaven, you are allowed to experience heaven as you would like to think of heaven being and that has to do with many different conscious levels. Initially your heaven experience is still an experience of something that you connected with when you were on earth. You eventually move beyond that sense of earth pleasures and begin to move within your own spiritual consciousness and spiritual place.
- Your spirit guide is an overseer of bringing together all your loved ones upon your arrival in heaven because many of the people that you have been in contact with on earth are at various levels of spiritual consciousness. Spirit guide is there to continue their direction and guidance and helping you as you make this change from earth to the other side.
- When you cross over you do not take pain, anger and bitterness with you, but will oftentimes be quite confused as to your new experience. You take all of your knowledge with you--everything you have learned through books, everything you have learned through your experiences, everything you have learned through your emotions, for these are all things that help you evolve as a spirit.
- Initially, after an individual dies and makes its transition, its spirit can choose its appearance which will often be similar to that experienced during the prime of their life. Alternatively, those who have evolved so quickly in this lifetime spiritually will simply evolve into a form of light or angelic form and not find it necessary to go into any past physical form.
- The spirit is the true essence, the true energy of who you are. The soul is like the connection between your spirit and your humanness. And your soul is with you in your human body, together with your spirit, and when you depart from your human body your soul moves into your spirit and that soul remains with your spirit.
- The soul of each incarnation carries the energy of every incarnation but is not necessarily predominant in the soul as it attaches to a new incarnation. For each incarnation has its own energy, its own personality, its own ego and that's what forms in the soul to help connect to the spirit of your humanness. Many times you have things that are happening to you in your current life which you have no understanding for why it is happening, and it can be a deep-seated carryover from a past life which could go back for many past lives.
- Every individual upon earth has a spirit guide to help them in their consciousness evolution at all times. You have many, many other spirits who are around, spirit guides who are teachers or who have become more highly evolved than you are, and they are there. They are your teachers. You can call upon any spirit guide of any level at any time.
- Many times when you think you are calling upon a spirit guide, when you are looking at earth situations, you are really calling upon the earth angels and they are there to help you for what you on earth consider mundane energy help, other-dimensional help. Oftentimes you call upon your angels for protection and many times the protection is needed--more than an angel, a spirit guide is needed.
- A life review is not done with pain or with emotion. It is done with fact to see what your life experiences did in either helping you to evolve more consciously or putting hindrances in that energy flow and thus not allowing you to move into a more spiritual concept while on earth. You will see how every thought, every action, every experience you had on earth affected you and affected those around you.
- A life review is often the way all spirits are able to be released from their actions and their emotions with their earth life. It is not always a negative experience, either. There are many things that all of you on earth do that are actions of love and compassion and support, that you never even always realized that you affected someone else and you are given the opportunity to experience those as well.
- During the life review, the individual is experiencing its most current past life and not other past lives.
- Once an individual loses its earthbound connections and begins its true spirit journey, it then becomes aware of all of its lives and all of its experiences.
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Date Accessed:08.09.22